Monday, February 16, 2009

Homeschool Tracker

I have to plug this awesome tool!

I have been using Homeschool Tracker to keep all of our school records for several years now.
It keeps track of assignments, time spent per subject, attendance, and provides many more options that I don't use.
It has a reading log, so that I can enter all the books the kids have read for school. It also has a field trip log, so that all the time that we spend on field trips is applied to the proper subject.

The basic version is good, and it's a free download online, but I bought the upgraded version at a VERY reasonable price. I am really glad I did. It provides downloads of upgrades for free and they are always working to make it better.

Every so often I print out the "assignments" pages and add them to a binder for each of the boys. I use this at the end of the year when I do my review. The reviewer can see all the subjects, time and completion at a glance.

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I love the feel of home and I love the business of making my home and homeschool work as smoothly and "Grace"fully as possible. I want to help preserve the art of Domesticity, with the added Blessing of Home Education.
This is the purpose of this blog. To pass along some of the things I have learned, and am learning, about organizing, about cooking, about homeschooling, about time management and other tidbits.