Sunday, April 26, 2009

April 14th, 2009 by Mary Kochan

This is the last in my series about having and maintaining a pantry as a cost-saving strategy. If you need to catch up, here is part one, part two, and part three. Now, I want to focus here on some of the mental and emotional changes I think you will see in yourself as you pursue this goal, as well as some of the rewards you can enjoy. If you have never had one, starting and maintaining a pantry will change your relationship with food and homemaking. Here are some of the changes I have observed.

Deconstructing Packaged Food

I used to buy a boxed pasta salad that I really liked. One day I took a look at it and realized that I was really paying a pretty exorbitant price for what amounted to about a third of a pound of pasta, a minimal number of dried chopped vegetables and a tablespoon of ranch salad dressing. I have recreated this much more cheaply - not to mention more healthily — and with no more than 5 minutes more work many times. One day I bought a very delicious frozen jambalaya in a plastic bag. Inside was a package of frozen cooked rice, some chopped vegetables, shrimp and sausage, and a package of sauce. With my own rice, chopped vegetables (many from my own garden), frozen shrimp and Kielbasa from my freezer, and a jar of Cajun seasoning, I have recreated this meal many times for my family — it has become one of our summer favorites. One day at a friend’s house, I saw her breaking up spaghetti and adding it to a pan of melted butter. “What are you doing?” I asked, and got the answer, “Making Rice-a-Roni.” Sure enough, a moment later she was adding rice to the browning bits of noodles.

You don’t always have to bring something home to deconstruct it. You can often do it by simply looking at the label. Have a favorite packaged food or restaurant food you want to copy? Look up the recipe for it online.

Read the rest HERE

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Pantry Principles and Practicalities — part 3 of 4

April 7th, 2009 by Mary Kochan Print This Post Print This Post ·ShareThis

In my last article I mentioned that having a well-organized pantry was greatly reducing the frequency of shopping trips for the three adult shoppers in my family. I’d like to talk more about the strategy for accomplishing that because it involves a part of the pantry I did not mention before and that is our freezer.

In the basement we have an upright freezer and it is incorporated into our pantry system. For one thing, that freezer is the pantry for the freezer over my kitchen fridge and for certain items it is a pantry for the fridge itself. This means that it is inventoried and stocked to certain minimum/maximum levels just like the rest of the pantry. The inventory is listed on a white board next to the freezer.

Because of the ease of organization in the one versus the other, I highly recommend an upright freezer over a chest freezer. I have many years of experience with both and the slightly higher operating cost of an upright is more than compensated for by its ease of use and less likelihood of things getting “lost” and thereby wasted.

Read the rest HERE

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

The Quest for Personal Order...

I have a problem.
I have always been really nuts about purses, bags and all sorts of personal organization methods.
I don't see these things as accessories. I am really not concerned about how they look or whether they go with my shoes. No, they are the tools I use to keep it together.
I am ever in search of the perfect system of personal organization.

I have a certain number of things that I have to have with me whenever I go out.
My wallet of course. And a small bag with toiletry items and things like motrin and Dramamine.
I used to have to take my planner with me everywhere, but with my Blackberry, I have access to my calendar and all the documents that I have in Google, in addition to my phone book and gmail account. The Blackberry is considerably smaller than the planner.
I have rosaries, and prayer books for Mass. I have my little camera and my glasses.
Oh, and the keys.
All of this stuff gets kind of heavy after awhile.
I bought a wallet that has a little strap that I can put on, it holds the blackberry and I can just clip the keys to it when I go in to a store.
I am thinking that maybe I will just go to a big tote, a pretty one, with some little bags inside that can hold all the flotsam and jetsam so that I can find the right one when I need it. Bright colors for identification.
It would be so much easier to just look down into the bag and pull out the correct color.
Then I can just leave the bag in the car most of the time and bring my wallet in the house with my BB.
I don't know. I am sure there is a flaw in this plan, because if it were the answer, someone would be selling it.
I love the feel of home and I love the business of making my home and homeschool work as smoothly and "Grace"fully as possible. I want to help preserve the art of Domesticity, with the added Blessing of Home Education.
This is the purpose of this blog. To pass along some of the things I have learned, and am learning, about organizing, about cooking, about homeschooling, about time management and other tidbits.