Monday, October 4, 2010

After The Conference

I attended an actual Organizing conference for actual Professional Organizers on Saturday.
It was energizing, enlightening, and I got some great ideas.

I went with Nettie, the fearless owner of our company, "Sappari Solutions", and we were able to talk about plans, hopes and dreams for the business.

I listened to a really inspiring speaker about living in small spaces. Sharon Lowenheim, a professional organizer from New York city, provided some wonderful ideas for people who have to deal with very limited spaces.
One of the things that she mentioned is that so many people keep so much more than they need, just because they can. True.
I have two good sized linen closets. They have been stuffed to overflowing with sheets, towels, rugs, and table linens for years!
Sharon asked why we need more than two sets of sheets for each bed. Good question.
So today I pulled everything out of those two closets and went through them. I put everything into two piles, and the biggest one went to Goodwill. AH....

Most of that stuff was stained and worn, and I was just keeping it as a "spare". For what! I already had spares to spare!

I also went through all the clothes over the weekend and did the fall changeover. A lot of out grown and beat up clothing is going to Goodwill as well.

It is nice to see space and order in those areas!

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I love the feel of home and I love the business of making my home and homeschool work as smoothly and "Grace"fully as possible. I want to help preserve the art of Domesticity, with the added Blessing of Home Education.
This is the purpose of this blog. To pass along some of the things I have learned, and am learning, about organizing, about cooking, about homeschooling, about time management and other tidbits.