Saturday, March 2, 2019
It's Your Body, Give it Wings
Nobody likes a person who tells them that in order to feel good, in order to be the best version of themselves, they have to treat their body the right way.
Nobody wants to hear it, and nobody wants to do it. But then, if for some reason they have to do it, they often discover in that new physical reality a person that they are much happier being.
In the midst of self-destructive or self-neglectful lifestyles there will almost always be a time when for whatever reason, a doctor's visit, a health crisis, a comment from someone, there is a moment when we are shown what we are doing to ourselves. We look at ourselves with the eyes of another person, and we realize that our habits are taking us down a road that we do not want to be on.
A body full of aches and pains. Unable to sleep, unable to stay awake during the day.
A body that can't do what we want, can't take us where we want to go.
It refuses to go up the stairs without a fight. It gives us trouble when we want to enjoy a vacation, or be present to those we love, especially children.
It doesn't let us take care of the house or get out and work in the garden.
Left to our habits and our bad choices, we will eventually find ourselves in a prison of pain, inflexibility, exhaustion, and immobility.
Seriously. It is the way of the modern world. Go to Walmart and look at the number of scooter-carts.
But at some point there will be a moment when we are offered the choice to do something about it.
We will either want to, because we want our bodies to do more for us, or we will have to, because we get to the point that if we don't make some drastic changes we will do irreparable damage.
This may be the beginning of a whole new life.
There are facts that are undeniable.
Too many calories without enough energy expended turns fuel into fat.
The wrong kinds of calories turn into fat even faster.
The fuel that we put in creates the energy for the machine and some kinds of fuel are better than others. Try putting diesel in your sedan sometime. It's not meant to run on that.
We should value these miracles that are our bodies. We should treat them better than we would the most expensive and amazing car. We should look to them not as something that we have to drag through life, that we complain about, but a part of ourselves that allows us to express who we are.
Our bodies are given to us as part of the beautiful package that we are. We should give them what they need so that they can help us to be the best version of ourselves.
Look at your body. Feel your body. Use your body.
If it isn't what you want it to be, take a step in that direction. Just one.
Do it today, and then, try to do it again tomorrow. Make it a commitment for a week.
It can be as simple as drinking more water, or giving up soda.
Take a walk every day, even if it's just to the end of the block.
Cut out the things that you know aren't good for you. Add in something that is, bit by bit.
If it's hard to exercise, just do a stretching regimen. Love how it feels when you are done.
Just replace one thing with something else.
You are your body, all of it. Make peace with it, nurture it, and you can start using it to enjoy this beautiful world that God put here for you!
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I love the feel of home and I love the business of making my home and homeschool work as smoothly and "Grace"fully as possible. I want to help preserve the art of Domesticity, with the added Blessing of Home Education.
This is the purpose of this blog. To pass along some of the things I have learned, and am learning, about organizing, about cooking, about homeschooling, about time management and other tidbits.
This is the purpose of this blog. To pass along some of the things I have learned, and am learning, about organizing, about cooking, about homeschooling, about time management and other tidbits.
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