Friday, February 19, 2010


Today is an opportunity... to accomplish something, to start something, to finish something...just one thing.
Don't be overwhelmed by all the things that you see that need doing. Pick just one thing, and do

If you are looking around at your home, and thinking that you really need to get started on at least one organizing project... start one today.

If you have items to go to Goodwill or another charity...take them today.

If you need to get an item appraised for sale...make that call today.

If your kids' bedrooms are a jumble of toys and books and you have been telling them that "we need to work together to get this picked up"...give them a hug and teach them a few clean-up tips, today.

If you have books to return to the library or other items that need be returned to family or friends...return them today.

Tonight you can sit down with your family, or just by yourself, and look back at the day with the satisfaction of having finished something that has been nagging at you. That's a great way to go into tomorrow...

Monday, February 15, 2010

Chilly Outside, Comfy Inside...

This is one of my favorite times of year.
The snow is piling up outside, the world is white and the air is brisk. Inside, we come together as a family, enjoying our cozy house, baking projects, family movies and board games.
It is a kind of togetherness that is harder to come by when the weather is nice and we are busy with many activities. Then our time together is more concerned with keeping to the calendar and a busy schedule.
At times like these we take the chance to stop and enjoy the lack of obligation. We have no choice, and so it is a rare treat.
Our home becomes our fortress and our hideaway from the storm.
All the touches... the candles, the books, the smell of something cooking for dinner, wrap around us and bring us to a deeper awareness of why we make a home at all. It is a haven and a place to be ourselves.
At these times I am so glad that we have worked to make this a comfortable, workable space.
I am even more grateful for the chance to share it with my favorite people!

Getting It Right The First Time...

Whenever we start an organizing project we are committing a certain amount of time and energy to something that needs doing.
None of us has an unlimited amount of time or energy, and so when we set out to tackle a project, we want to try to be as efficient as we can.
If we can do the project with as little muss and fuss as possible, we will not only have something out of the way that has been nagging at us, but we will be encouraged to take on the next project because we will realize that it doesn't have to be an ordeal.
Try choosing a small area that has been nagging at you. A drawer or cupboard perhaps. Give yourself enough time, but try to work straight through. Don't put away stray items until you are finished. Put them into a box, that way you won't be distracted from your first project by going to another part of the house.
Work with purpose. Look carefully at your progress. Think about what you are accomplishing and enjoy each item in it's proper place, or removed to be put/given/thrown away.
Be vigilant about what you have done when you are finished. It's done, and since you did it right, it won't have to be tackled like that again. Maintained yes, but not made over.

It's always satisfying to have created order out of chaos. Be sure you share your satisfaction with someone.
If you can make these forays into organizing as positive as possible, one of these days you might find yourself looking forward to it!

10 Things You Can Do While You Are Snowed in...

So for the last few days we have pretty much been confined to the house, and the yard in the case of the kids, and I have been taking advantage of the time inside to do a few things that we don't usually get around to when life is going full tilt.

You can actually do some fun family activities and make some organizing progress at the same time!
Of course you don't have to do all of them, but one or two little projects will make the time at home more fun and productive!

1. Bake something yummy...and organize the spice cupboard while it is in the oven.

2.Try a new recipe...oh, and it has to come from the cookbooks that you have on hand, because after you put it together, you can organize the cookbooks, take the loose recipes and put them into a binder, and throw out all the little paper bits that always end up in with the recipes!

3. Play a board game with the kids...and when you are done, sort/organize/purge the boardgames!

4. Watch a movie...and clean up the media area while it's on...

5. Play make-believe with the kids...and then when you are through, sort and organize the toys that you used: dress-ups, Legos, Little people, whatever...the kids will love your "help" with clean-up.

6. Curl up with a good book for awhile...and then dust and organize a bookshelf.

7. Do ALL the laundry...even those little bits at the bottom of the hamper that require hand, this one isn't all that much fun, but you can get it done!

8. Spend time on a craft or hobby...and after you are through, tidy the craft storage box/closet/drawer.

9. Spend some time on that scrapbook that is languishing in a will be so much nicer on a table!

10. Send the kids out to play in the snow...and while they are gone, sort the snow gear. Pair the gloves, get rid of the things that don't fit, and put everything into a bag or bin, so that you will always know where it is, next time the snow flies.

See, you will be back to a regular schedule before you know it, but there will be a little more order at home.

You don't HAVE to wait for a snowstorm to do these things, though.

Stay Warm!

I love the feel of home and I love the business of making my home and homeschool work as smoothly and "Grace"fully as possible. I want to help preserve the art of Domesticity, with the added Blessing of Home Education.
This is the purpose of this blog. To pass along some of the things I have learned, and am learning, about organizing, about cooking, about homeschooling, about time management and other tidbits.